Copyright © Patrick Schmitz, 2003. You may freely use the associated information and may copy the HTML source, but not the media (which I borrowed from the MSDN samples).
Hyperlink elements can be timed with XHTML+SMIL (a.k.a. HTML+TIME), so that they are only sensitive to activation (usually by clicking on them), when the element is active.
In this example, a sequence of <a>
elements is timed, and in
addition the timeAction
attribute is set to "display"
so the links only show up when they are active.
In the HEAD a style block to bind the time behavior:
<style> .time, t\:* { behavior:url(#default#time2); } </style>
The area elements have duration and are wrapped in a repeating sequence:
<t:seq repeatCount="indefinite"> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/sun.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>sun</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/merglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>mercury</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/venglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>venus</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/earglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>earth</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/marglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>mars</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/jupglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>jupiter</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/satglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>saturn</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/uraglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>uranus</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/nepglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>neptune</h3></a> <a class="time" dur="2s" href="media/pluglobe.gif" timeAction="display" ><h3>pluto</h3></a> </t:seq>